Getting Started Checklist

Getting Started Checklist

  • 1. Qualify

    Are you interested in joining the Running Start program? Qualifying is the first step! The easiest way to do this is to complete our online Directed Self-Placement (DSP)  to see if you place into college level English, reading or math.

    We want to make sure you're at college level in at least one subject area before entering the program. You can do this anytime and anywhere you have an internet connection.

    Click the buttons below to begin!


    We'll be following up with you via email three to five business days after you complete the DSP.  Please provide a valid email address that you check regularly. If you qualify for Running Start, the Running Start department will email you an application.

    Other options to qualify

    There are multiple ways that you can qualify for Running Start if you do not wish to complete the Directed Self-Placement. You can submit any of the options below to see if you qualify.

    • Smarter Balanced Assessment scores
    • Unofficial high school transcript (math placement only)
    • SAT or ACT scores (math placement only)


    • Unofficial college transcript
    • Unofficial AP score report



  • 2. Complete a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Running Start Application for Admission

    Congratulations on qualifying for Running Start!  Watch for an email from us with the link to our Running Start admissions application!

    We encourage you to apply early and meet with your high school counselor about graduation requirements. Throughout the admissions process, you'll learn everything you need to know about 网赌正规真人实体在线平台.

  • 3. Complete your online Running Start To-Do List

    Are you a new Running Start student who just received their acceptance letter? All new Running Start students must complete the online Running Start To-Do List.

    The Running Start To-Do List will be available completely online via Canvas. We strongly recommend students complete their To-Do List as early as possible so they can complete the necessary steps to get registered for the quarter on time.

    Click the button below to complete the online Running Start To-Do List today!

    Running Start To-Do List

  • 4. Register for classes

    At 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, we have multiple measures in place to ensure you start in the right classes. Once you've been accepted to the Running Start program, you'll complete Student Orientation to Advising and Registration (SOAR) to learn more about life as a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student. Then, working with your high school counselor and 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 advisor, you'll complete your Enrollment Verification Form and build a unique class schedule tailored to your high school requirements and educational goals.

    Keep in mind that if you did not place at college level in a particular subject, you may not meet the requirements for some common classes.

    When you attend a New Student Information Session, you'll learn about the Enrollment Verification Form. This form will need to be signed by your high school counselor, so set up a meeting with them to go over the form. Don't forget to have your parent/guardian sign the form as well!

    If you're filling out this form over the summer months and your high school counselor isn't available, we'll accept your portion of the form now so that you can keep moving forward. Don't forget to collect your high school counselor's signature before the quarter starts!

    Once you've received your student ID and PIN, you'll need to login to Getting Started. Getting Started is a web-based program that helps you check everything off your list to get started at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台. The first few things you'll be prompted to do are change your PIN, set up your 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 email and learn about the campus and some of the resources available to you.

    While you're working through Getting Started, you'll be prompted to complete Student Orientation to Advising and Registration (SOAR). SOAR is an online presentation that walks you through important information about being a student at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 and all of the amazing resources that are available to help you be successful. SOAR is a half hour presentation with video and audio, so be sure to have headphones or speakers available.

    Now that you've submitted your Enrollment Verification Form and completed SOAR, you're ready to register for classes! Don't forget to register for FYI 101 - First Year Introduction. This is a required course, but it's also a lot of fun! If you need assistance choosing classes or interpreting your placement results, Counseling and Advising is here to help you find the best possible classes.

  • 5. Get ready for school

    Once you've registered for classes, make sure you're prepared for school to begin. You'll want to pay your fees or submit your free/reduced lunch letter and plan to buy or rent textbooks. Don't forget to attend FYI before the quarter starts! If you have questions or need help, we're here every step of the way.

    Once you've registered for classes, you'll see charges on your student account for the fees associated with your classes. As a Running Start student, your tuition is covered by your high school, but you are still responsible for quarterly fees. If you are eligible to receive free or reduced lunch at your high school, indicate this on your Enrollment Verification Form or submit a copy of your lunch eligibility letter so that your fees can be waived!

    FYI is usually held the week before the quarter begins. Check your schedule to see when your class takes place.

    Now that you've registered for classes and paid your fees, you're ready to buy or rent your textbooks! To find out what books you'll need for your classes, stop by the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 bookstore or visit the Bookstore website.

    If you are eligible for free or reduced lunch at your high school, you can apply for our Book Assistance Program! Email Running%20Start to request an application.

    It's official: you're ready to attend classes as a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student! We're so glad you've chosen to pursue your education at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 and we're here to help you every step of the way.

Request Information



  • Phone:509-542-4481

  • Address:2600 N. 20th Ave., Pasco, WA 99301H Building

  • Office Hours:Monday to Wednesday: 7 am to 4:30 pmThursday: 9 am to 4:30 pmFriday: 7 am to noon

Students walking around 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's Pasco campus